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Mortality and life expectancy of people with alcohol use disorder in Denmark, Finland and Sweden PMC

average age of an alcoholic

Existing shortages of mental health and substance use treatment professionals may make it particularly difficult to access care in rural areas, where the supply of behavioral health workforce is even more scarce. During the pandemic, telehealth services for behavioral health and other care may have been more accessible to those living in urban areas, where an internet connection is more likely to be available or reliable (Figure 5). The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes.

Alcohol, crime, and road deaths

  • Underage drinkers are slightly less common among alcohol-related deaths in Washington.
  • Exposures  Trends in alcohol-induced mortality by sex, race/ethnicity, age, county-level socioeconomic status (ie, median income, percentage of unemployed residents, percentage of residents with a bachelor’s degree), rurality level, and US state.
  • As Cook notes in his book, the top 10 percent of drinkers account for well over half of the alcohol consumed in any given year.
  • Death rates among females were highest from heart disease and stroke during each period.
  • The prevalence of alcohol dependence in men is typically higher than in women across all countries.

In all three countries, mortality rate ratios in people with AUD were higher in young age groups. In Denmark, mortality rate ratios increased during the entire study in men and women for most age groups, especially ages 30–59 years (Table ​(Table3).3). In Finland, mortality rate ratios increased during the entire study period in men and women aged 30–44 years. In Sweden, mortality rate ratios increased during the entire study period in men aged 30–74 years and women aged 45–74 years (Table ​(Table33). Regarding the nature of the link between timing of first alcohol use and AD, our findings indicate that common genetic risk plays a major role. The moderate to high (0.59) genetic correlation is indicative of substantial overlap in the heritable factors that influence timing of first use and those that influence AD development.

Deaths from alcohol use disorders

average age of an alcoholic

In 2023, among adolescents ages 15 to 17 who reported drinking alcohol in the past month, 84.3% reported getting it for free the last time they drank.14 In many cases, adolescents have access to alcohol through family members or find it at home. The breakdown of alcohol use disorders by gender for any country can be viewed here; the majority of people with alcohol use disorders – around three-quarters – are male. In the chart, we see estimates of the alcohol-attributable fraction (AAF), which is the proportion of deaths that are caused or exacerbated by alcohol (i.e., that proportion that would disappear if alcohol consumption was removed). We see that the proportion of deaths attributed to alcohol consumption is lower in North Africa and the Middle East and much higher in Eastern Europe. In the chart, we see the relationship between average per capita alcohol consumption – in liters of pure alcohol per year – versus gross domestic product (GDP) per capita across countries.

Prevalence of Past-Year Drinking

The sample consisted of 5,382 twins (2,691 complete pairs), aged 24 to 36 years, from the Australian Twin Registry. Parents and teachers can play a meaningful role in shaping youth’s attitudes toward drinking. The Pareto Law states that “the top 20 percent of buyers for most any consumer product account for fully 80 percent of sales,” according to Cook. At the end of this topic page, you will find additional resources and guidance if you, or someone you know, needs support in dealing with alcohol dependency. American Addiction Centers (AAC) is committed to delivering original, truthful, accurate, unbiased, and medically current information.

average age of an alcoholic

To improve accessibility, we have predominantly presented our results graphically, including displaying uncertainty surrounding our joinpoint estimates. In examining the possible mechanisms underlying the association between early initiation of alcohol use and AD, the current study raised questions that are critical to address in future research efforts. First, the generalizability of our findings to populations with different attitudes toward alcohol use is not known. To what extent might cross-cultural differences in norms for drinking behaviors (including how long do alcoholics live distinctions by gender in those norms) translate into differences in heritability and common genetic risk in other populations? Second, to what degree do genetic factors account for variance in other stages of alcohol use, such as cessation of problem drinking, and do they overlap with those that influence timing of initiation and AD? Furthermore, are these associations explained by inherited vulnerability to disinhibitory behaviors more generally9 rather than – or perhaps in addition to – genetic liability specific to alcohol-related behaviors?

  • Approximately 22% have a first- or second-degree family member who is also dependent on alcohol.
  • Just over half of the variance in AD (53%) was accounted for by genetic factors, with the remainder explained by unique environmental factors.
  • Psychiatric data was collected with a modified Semi-Structured Assessment for the Genetics of Alcoholism (SSAGA-OZ)28,29, adapted for administration via telephone and updated for DSM-IV diagnostic criteria.
  • The moderate to high (0.59) genetic correlation is indicative of substantial overlap in the heritable factors that influence timing of first use and those that influence AD development.

This data is based on estimates of prevalence and treatment published by the World Health Organization (WHO). Arkansas has more alcohol-related deaths per capita than a majority of states and a higher rate of underage drinking. During the entire study, registered alcohol consumption per capita was highest in Denmark and lowest in Sweden (Fig.​(Fig.7).7). In Denmark, registered alcohol consumption per capita decreased slightly after the year 2002. In Finland, registered alcohol consumption per capita peaked in the time period 2002–2006 in connection with an alcohol tax reduction. In Sweden, registered alcohol consumption per capita decreased slightly in the 90s and increased thereafter.

average age of an alcoholic

Reflecting on the consequences of alcohol-related morbidity and mortality throughout the age range, our findings document an urgent public health crisis calling for concerted public health action. Our study benefits from a thorough consideration of trends in alcohol-induced death rates across individual population subgroups using the full US population older than 15 years. Previous studies have described US mortality trends but focused on certain causes.

average age of an alcoholic

  • Second, to what degree do genetic factors account for variance in other stages of alcohol use, such as cessation of problem drinking, and do they overlap with those that influence timing of initiation and AD?
  • To improve accessibility, we have predominantly presented our results graphically, including displaying uncertainty surrounding our joinpoint estimates.
  • Age-standardized death rates among males increased from 54.8 per 100,000 population during 2016–2017 to 55.9 during 2018–2019, and to 66.9 during 2020–2021.
  • The most notable (and widely cited) contribution to this literature comes from Prescott and Kendler10, who addressed the issue in a study conducted with 8,746 adult twins.
  • When we look at gender differences, we see that in all countries, men have a higher alcohol consumption than women.

Daily drinking can have serious consequences for a person’s health, both in the short- and long-term. Many of the effects of drinking every day can be reversed through early intervention. If you find that the above descriptions resemble you or a loved one, you’re not alone. At The Recovery Village, we offer evidence-based treatment methods that can address every aspect of each client’s treatment needs.

  • While cirrhosis scars from excessive drinking are irreversible, quitting alcohol and leading a healthier lifestyle can help your liver heal from alcohol-related liver disease.
  • The death rates are typically higher in Eastern Europe and lower in North Africa and the Middle East.
  • It would also provide a framework for devising interventions that target biological and psychosocial risk factors most relevant to a given stage of alcohol use.
  • The map shows heavy drinkers – those who had an episode of heavy drinking in the previous 30 days – as a share of total drinkers (i.e., those who have drunk less than one alcoholic drink in the last 12 months are excluded).


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